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In our journey, we have been helped by the passion and care of many, many people to whom we are very grateful....


  • First of all, thanks to Francesca and Hiroto, who made possible this dream. 

  • Antonugo and Lorenza have given us tips and continue to offer their delicious organic extra virgin olive oil from the Sicily

  • Pietro Scozzari, photographer, Italian cuoco, and friend who has repeatedly come to take pictures and has an impeccable eye for detail whose pictures we used on our website, Rakuten and

  • Fujii-san, the architect, who has patiently accompanied us in the refurbishment process 

  • Iraha-san, Koga-san and the DCR workers and who have taken care of the refurbishment.

  • Takashi Gonomaru, photographer, fellow volunteer in Sri Lanka and friend to whom we owe the pictures of Dugong and Kame published on Rakuten and

© 2019 NOI International, Images © Pietro Scozzari

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